Regional mobility

Regional mobility

Your challenges

Unifier l’ensemble de vos services de transport sur réservation (TàD et TPMR) sous une même marque

Unifying all your on-demand transport services (DRT and Paratransit) under a single brand

Répondre à une grande variété de cas d’usages sur tout votre territoire régional

Responding to a wide variety of use cases throughout your territory

Apporter des réponses sur-mesure aux habitants des zones les moins denses en complémentarité des modes réguliers comme le bus ou le train

Providing tailor-made solutions for people living in less densely populated areas to complement regular modes such as bus or train

"Thanks to on-demand transport services (DRT and Paratransit), new ways of managing and guaranteeing access to a more inclusive and sustainable mobility can be put in place. Means that allow a gradual transition to low-carbon travel, reduce the impact of the private car, improve access to employment and service areas."

Thibault Lécuyer-Weber (Mobilité Régionale)

Thibault Lécuyer-Weber

CEO, Padam mobility

Land use planning is mainly organised around the major transportation lines that link the metropolises. However, crucial travel needs exist and are emerging in areas that are not connected to them. It is often impossible to reach a city centre, even a secondary one, or to get to an employment area or to services other than by car. Sometimes local public transport services exist, but their timetables or service areas are unsuitable because of the specific demand. The latter often do not allow for travel outside the urban area.

Deployed in an intermodal and territorial meshing logic, Demand-Responsive Transport can be integrated in a flexible way within a regional mobility offer by focusing on the most difficult part: the fine service of the users farthest from the structuring lines. For an on-demand mobility offer that is legible and coherent throughout the region, it is entirely possible to unify all the Demand-Responsive Transport services under a single brand and operational management platform.

Réussites Padam Mobility

To go further

How to better connect urban centres and peri-urban areas with Demand-Responsive Transport ?

Discover our success stories
Le blog de Padam Mobility

To go further

How to better connect urban centres and peri-urban areas with Demand-Responsive Transport ?

Download the case study

Implementing a new service?
Optimising an existing service?
Replacing a fixed busline?