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Resa'Tao service in Orleans

Resa'Tao service in OrleansHow to better connect urban centres and peri-urban areas with Demand-Responsive Transport ?How to better connect urban centres and peri-urban areas with Demand-Responsive Transport ?

"Coupled with the gradual replacement of our bus fleet with electric vehicles, this new service should allow us to enhance the attractiveness of public transportation while significantly reducing our carbon footprint."

Bruno Malinverno

Bruno Malinverno

Former Vice-President, Transportation, Orleans Metropolis


rides made since the launch of the service



Since April 2018, in partnership with Keolis Orléans, Padam Mobility has been modernising and optimising RésaTao, the Demand-Responsive Transport service in the Orleans metropolitan area. The service offers a travel solution with a feeder configuration from and to predefined stops in several outlying areas of the 21 municipalities of the urban area.

The Padam Mobility technology has enabled Résa'Tao toimprove the userexperience and quality of service by providing relevant answers to the mobility challenges of the region. To facilitate travel, the availability of the service has been increased, thanks to the optimisation of rides and the extension of service hours. Bookings have been made more flexible, with the introduction of real time bookings, making last-minute rides possible.

With the strength of these conclusive experiences, both in terms of ridership and user satisfaction, Orleans Metropolitan Council decided to extend the service to four new, redesigned zones on January 3, 2022, with some 40 vehicles in service, seven days a week.

These North, South, East and West zones have been defined in order to answer to the mobility needs of municipalities beyond the urban core of the metropolis. This extension will continue to allow all residents of the metropolitan area to travel from the nearest stop to their homes at the same fare as on the rest of the Tao network. The DRT offer deployed by Orléans Métropole is a tool for equity and proximity. Résa'Tao is thus becoming a real gateway to the city's main transport systems.

In 2023, the project takes a new dimension. First of all, the calculation time of rides is modified by a new method allowing more realistic and therefore more reliable results. This is a boon for connections with fixed routes and for reducing last-minute cancellations. The feature allowing the display of fixed lines in the context of a non-competition is also being deployed. In September, a level 4 MaaS integration will be implemented.

Speakingat RNTP 2023.

Le blog de Padam Mobility

To go further

How to better connect urban centres and peri-urban areas with Demand-Responsive Transport ?

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Implementing a new service?
Optimising an existing service?
Replacing a fixed busline?