Guide / Case studie

How can DRT and fixed-route public transport coexist to meet the needs of users and regions?

How can DRT and fixed-route public transport coexist to meet the needs of users and regions?

Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) aims to reduce the financial and ecological costs of transport over medium to long distances in sparsely populated areas. It is intended to complement, rather than compete with, existing public transport services, in response to the social and ecological issues they raise.

Make DRT and fixed public transport lines coexist to adapt to the needs of users and territories

Setting up DRT in a way that complements rather than competes with the main transport lines offers numerous benefits to users, including :

  • Access to more comprehensive public transport, better adapted to needs
  • A clearer, more equitable mobility offer across the country

This guide, designed as a resource for transport authorities and local players wishing to optimize their intermodality, deals precisely with the management of non-competition between DRT and fixed public transport lines. It examines the technical solutions available, with a focus on the functionalities offered by Padam Mobility to facilitate and optimize the coexistence of these services.

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Padam Mobility

As a key player in shared mobility, Padam Mobility meets the objectives of rebalancing the transport offer in sparsely populated areas and allows all users to move around with more freedom. The company designs and develops dynamic and intelligent Demand-Responsive Transport solutions (DRT and Paratransit) based on artificial intelligence:

Users book their rides in real time or in advance via an application, a website or a call centre.

Drivers follow the evolution of their itinerary which is optimised according to bookings.

Thanks to a dedicated management interface, transport operators can supervise operations and collect the data needed to continuously improve the service.