Off-peak hours

Off-peak hours

Your challenges

Offrir à tous la possibilité de se déplacer en liberté et en sécurité à toute heure

Offer everyone the possibility to move freely and safely at any time

Faciliter les prises de service en horaires décalés

Facilitate service appointments at staggered hours

Dynamiser la vie nocturne

Boosting nightlife

“The QuiBus service is a much needed service that was immediately appreciated. It makes it easy and safe to get around in the evening, making the city more accessible.”

Arturo Lorenzoni [Quibus]

Arturo Lorenzoni

Deputy Mayor of Padova (Italy)

Managing off-peak hours is a textbook case for transport authorities and their operators. How can they ensure service continuity in a context of low demand while optimising operations? Achieving this is a 360° victory: lower costs for the community, social and professional inclusion for users, increased attractiveness of the territory, etc.

Demand-Responsive Transport is an ideal solution for maintaining public transit service during off-peak hours. It eliminates the need to run empty vehicles along an underused line during off-peak hours. For users, it guarantees safe travel at night, for example. It is also the possibility of accepting a job with shifted or night-time hours. Demand-Responsive Transport transforms an organisational difficulty into a source of opportunities, such as the creation of new services that better meet the needs of off-peak hours.

Réussites Padam Mobility

To go further

How did the city of Padua strengthen its night mobility offer thanks to Demand-Responsive Transport?

Discover our success stories
Le blog de Padam Mobility

To go further

How did the city of Padua strengthen its night mobility offer thanks to Demand-Responsive Transport?

Download the case study

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Optimising an existing service?
Replacing a fixed busline?