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Quibus Service in Padua

Quibus Service in PaduaHow to better connect urban centres and peri-urban areas with Demand-Responsive Transport ?How to better connect urban centres and peri-urban areas with Demand-Responsive Transport ?

"In Padua, we have tens of thousands of university students who are very interested in using the bus in the evening. The flexibility of this solution makes it possible to offer and sustain a night service that would otherwise be too expensive considering the number of passengers transported."

Sergio Giordani [Quibus]

Sergio Giordani

Mayor of Padova (Italy)

100 000

rides made since the launch of the service



With a population of over 210,000, Padua'surban area lacked a nighttime public transportation solution, undermining the city's highly developed nightlife. The implementation of a safe evening and nighttime transportation solution is becoming a necessity to improve the well-being of the population and preserve the attractiveness of the university campuses that attract some 60,000 students.

In response to these challenges, the local public authorities, in collaboration with the University of Padua, decided to launch the DRT Night Bus service. Operated by Busitalia Veneto, the urban transport operator of Padua, the NightBus service allows the inhabitants of Padua, especially students, to travel at night in complete freedom and safety.

A true complement to the public transport service during off-peak hours, the service provides service to all the major nightlife areas, even those located on the outskirts of the city, offering an alternative to travel solutions that often cause accidents (scooters, cars, bicycles, etc.).

Since February 2021, a new service, Quibus, complements NightBus and gives it its name. Linked to the same interfaces, this service completes the NightBus offer of DRT in the school transport segment.

The service now has one additional vehicle, a result of increasing demand. Since fall 2021, the new version of the application is deployed as well as the feature of multiple stops (or multi-stops).

Le blog de Padam Mobility

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How to better connect urban centres and peri-urban areas with Demand-Responsive Transport ?

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