Guide / Case studie

How can DRT help unlock modal shift potential?

How can DRT help unlock modal shift potential?

Since the 2020 article by Arthur D. Little,  the Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) market has undergone significant evolution. Four years later, the Padam Mobility-backed consultancy takes an in-depth look at the potential of DRT as a complement to, or replacement for, traditional transit services.

Unlocking the potential of modal shift with the Demand-Responsive Transport

As DRT gains worldwide recognition, it is essential to explore best practices to ensure its effective deployment and operation. By maximizing the leverage effect of DRT, transit authorities can create more agile and sustainable mobility systems for the areas they serve, while also considerably improving the territorial coverage of their services.

This study identifies five key factors that contribute to the successful implementation of DRT:

  • Clear objective definition,
  • User-centered approach,
  • Model integrated with the overall public transport offer,
  • Maximum service visibility,
  • Simplified user journey.

Among the examples studied is Grand Albigeois, which consolidates its DRT and Paratransit services into a single offering and integrates it into its multimodal itinerary planner.

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Padam Mobility

As a key player in shared mobility, Padam Mobility meets the objectives of rebalancing the transport offer in sparsely populated areas and allows all users to move around with more freedom. The company designs and develops dynamic and intelligent Demand-Responsive Transport solutions (DRT and Paratransit) based on artificial intelligence:

Users book their rides in real time or in advance via an application, a website or a call centre.

Drivers follow the evolution of their itinerary which is optimised according to bookings.

Thanks to a dedicated management interface, transport operators can supervise operations and collect the data needed to continuously improve the service.