Your challenges
"Our commitment to People with Reduced Mobility is total. For example, the Resago service in Châlons-en-Champagne, France has enabled us to make a success of more inclusive and accessible mobility. By pooling a "general public" DRT service and a Paratransit service, we're offering a 100% universal service that provides everyone with the same travel opportunities".
The potential for improving the quality of life through mobility is considerable but often underestimated. Access to mobility is the key factor for the success of territorial policies and for the social inclusion of all. It must be approached as a vector of success and not a factor of exclusion. To achieve this, it is necessary to maintain the values of public transport: continuity, reliability, accessibility and inclusion.
Unlike other shared mobility offers, DRT meets all needs and adapts to all user profiles, even the most vulnerable: schoolchildren, employees, job seekers, seniors, and People with Reduced Mobility (PRM).
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