Agglobus service in Rodez

Agglobus service in Rodez

8 000

rides made since the launch

Agglobus offers three Transport On Demand services: DRT Liberté, DRT Loisirs and DRT CHS Sainte-Marie.

The DRT Liberté offers transportation to the residents of Rodez urban area who are not served by at least one regular line of the Agglobus network. The entireurban area of Rodez urban area, divided into four geographical sectors, is served by the DRT Liberté.

Two round trips per day and per sector are available to users.

To benefit from this service, they must meet the following conditions:

Live in one of the communes of theurban area of Rodez urban area served by the Agglobus network,

AND more than 500 meters from a bus route or stop served by a regular bus line.

This service is open to all, regardless of residence.

Implementing a new service?
Optimising an existing service?
Replacing a fixed busline?