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Ilevia service booking in Lille

Ilevia service booking in LilleHow to reconnect rural areas with Demand-Responsive Transport?How to reconnect rural areas with Demand-Responsive Transport?

“The principle is simple: we guarantee a departure at least every hour from all the municipalities of the metropolis. Users can book one hour in advance instead of half a day in advance.”

Gilles Fargier [Ilévia réservation]

Gilles Fargier

General Manager, Keolis Lille

250 000

rides made since the launch of the service



The DRT Ilévia Réservation service was born out of the European Metropolis of Lille's desire to bring the outlying territories closer to the centre of its urban area through the development of a mobility package. Since January 2019 and in partnership with Keolis Lille, Padam Mobility has been deploying its DRT solution to connect the Metropolis' outlying municipalities to the public transport network via 21 virtual lines.

In addition, in a Mobility a Service (MaaS) logic, the Ilévia Reservation service is integrated into the itinerary calculator of the Illévia application, developed by Kisio Digital. The objective is to allow any user of the Lille urban area to make their ride in one go using all transportation modes, for a seamless travel.

Le blog de Padam Mobility

To go further

How to reconnect rural areas with Demand-Responsive Transport?

Download the case study

Implementing a new service?
Optimising an existing service?
Replacing a fixed busline?