ResaGo Service in Châlons-en-Champagne

ResaGo Service in Châlons-en-ChampagneHow to better connect urban centres and peri-urban areas with Demand-Responsive Transport ?How to better connect urban centres and peri-urban areas with Demand-Responsive Transport ?

"Résago has enabled us to succeed in the challenge of a more inclusive and accessible mobilitý. By pooling a "general public" DRT service and a Paratransit service, we offer a 100% universal service that provides everyone with the same travel opportunities."

Thibault Lécuyer-Weber (ResaGo mutualisé)

Thibault Lécuyer-Weber

CEO, Padam mobility

60 000

rides made since the launch of the service



In Châlons-en-Champagne, Padam Mobility and Keolis are answering to the mobility and digitalisation challenges of the urban area. They propose an intelligent and universal shared mobility service composed of a DRT service and a Paratransit service. RésaGo services complement the existing bus offer of the urban area and respond to two main use cases:

  • First and last kilometre: to facilitate travel to and from the Châlons-en-Champagne train station at specific times, especially when the conventional bus lines are no longer in service.
  • Business areas: to facilitate travel to business areas for the active population during off-peak hours.

The DRT service is composed of a fleet of 3 vehicles, operated in fixed and virtual lines. As for the Paratransit service, it is composed of a 9-seater vehicle operated in a door-to-door configuration, with specific pick-up times per user to guarantee an adapted support.

Why Padam Mobility ?

  • Automation of the operation and in particular of the assignment of bookings.
  • Ability of the algorithms to optimise under constraint (feeder), pooling within vehicles and ride times.
  • Flexibility and versatility of the solution.
  • Ability to progressively increase the use of services with constant means and user experience
  • Possibility to introduce at any time and with ease bookings in real time and to increase the user experience.
  • Ergonomics and simplicity of solutions facilitating access to the service and the autonomy of users (especially PRM) during their booking.

In 2022, the application has integrated the feature non-compete with fixed lines.

Le blog de Padam Mobility

To go further

How to better connect urban centres and peri-urban areas with Demand-Responsive Transport ?

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Implementing a new service?
Optimising an existing service?
Replacing a fixed busline?