Regional mobility

Tad'Y / evolitY Pays de Montbéliard

Tad'Y / evolitY Pays de Montbéliard



Service features :

  • Areas served: Montbéliard, Audincourt, Pont-de-Roide, Meroux-Moval TGV station, Hôpital Nord Franche-Comté.
  • Hours of operation: Monday to Saturday, 7am to 7pm, excluding public holidays.
  • Reservations: In advance via phone or online, at least 2 hours before travel.
  • Fares: Open to all transportévolitY tickets, tickets sold on board.

The Montbéliard region's Tad'Y service offers a flexible mobility solution, linking peri-urban areas to the main transport and business hubs. booking is facilitated by an intuitive mobile application and a dedicated website, ensuring an optimized and accessible service.

Implementing a new service?
Optimising an existing service?
Replacing a fixed busline?