Business areas and corporates

Business areas and corporates

Your challenges

Mieux connecter les entreprises et zones d’activité au réseau existant

Better connecting companies and business areas to the existing network

Réduire les temps de trajet domicile-travail

Reducing commuting times ride

Renforcer l’attractivité des entreprises en améliorant le bien-être des salariés.

Strengthening the attractiveness of companies by improving the well-being of employees

Proposer un service de desserte interne aux campus d’entreprise ou adapté aux spécificités horaires des salariés

Offering an internal service to corporate campuses or adapted to employees' specific work shifts

" DRT allows companies to take direct control of their employees' mobility and to fully commit to their well-being in a supportive and environmentally responsible manner."

Thibault Lécuyer-Weber (Zone d'activité)

Thibault Lécuyer-Weber

CEO, Padam mobility

Commuting trips account for 50% of companies' CO2 emissions . 72% of these trips are made by car. Taking into consideration the mobility of employees represents a real lever for action to promote a more environmentally friendly mobility.

Demand-Responsive Transport offers companies the possibility of changing their employees' commuting habits by offering a customised transportation service adapted to several situations:

  • Company located near a major transport infrastructure (metro, tramway, bus, BRT, train, etc.) but poorly connected to it
  • Company located in an enclave or poorly connected to existing networks
  • Company with its own campus(es) and walking there is not easy
Réussites Padam Mobility

To go further

How to simplify commuting for employees with Demand-Responsive Transport?

Discover our success stories
Le blog de Padam Mobility

To go further

How to simplify commuting for employees with Demand-Responsive Transport?

Download the case study

Implementing a new service?
Optimising an existing service?
Replacing a fixed busline?