Guide / Case studie

How did le Cotentin urban community boost its rural mobility thanks to Demand-Responsive Transport?

How did le Cotentin urban community boost its rural mobility thanks to Demand-Responsive Transport?

In 2019, the Cotentin urban community entrusted Padam Mobility to experiment with La Saire TAD: a smart Demand-Responsive Transport service to boost its rural mobility.

As a shared mobility solution that opened up rural areas and facilitated access to the downtown of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin from outlying towns, the La Saire TAD service found a great success since the first weeks of its experimentation. The service was particularly popular among young people, for whom its implementation provided greater flexibility and security in their travels.

How did le Cotentin urban community boost its rural mobility thanks to Demand-Responsive Transport?

Download the case study to learn more about:

  • The stages of the implementation of Padam Mobility DRT solution for its experimentation;
  • The first results that came out of it.

Download the document

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Padam Mobility

As a key player in shared mobility, Padam Mobility meets the objectives of rebalancing the transport offer in sparsely populated areas and allows all users to move around with more freedom. The company designs and develops dynamic and intelligent Demand-Responsive Transport solutions (DRT and Paratransit) based on artificial intelligence:

Users book their rides in real time or in advance via an application, a website or a call centre.

Drivers follow the evolution of their itinerary which is optimised according to bookings.

Thanks to a dedicated management interface, transport operators can supervise operations and collect the data needed to continuously improve the service.